Monday, January 27, 2020

The 5 Sleep Secrets to Improve Senior Veterans' Health

The 5 Sleep Secrets to Improve Senior Veterans' Health

No matter who you are or how old you are, quality sleep is vital for your health. Even if you’re sleeping enough, you may not be enjoying quality rest. For veterans, this can be a distressing phenomenon, and it’s not at all uncommon. If you’re a senior vet trying to catch more z’s, these tips can help you make the most of your restful hours—and you might even feel healthier overall.

Keep a Set Sleep Schedule

Although it can sometimes be challenging to keep to a schedule, experts recommend going to bed at the same time each night. Studies suggest that people with irregular sleep habits have more health risks, Today reports, such as higher odds of developing heart disease. Seniors should get at least seven hours of sleep per night—and get to bed on time for the best odds at preserving your health. If you find you lose track of time in the evening, try setting a reminder on your phone or an automated assistant so you get to bed on time.

Try to Avoid Daytime Naps

Sometimes it’s hard to get through a day without feeling sleepy. But resting during the day can impact your nighttime sleep schedule. If you start feeling sleepy, try going for a walk or doing another physical activity. Getting outside in the sunlight can help make you more alert and reinforce sleep and wake times.
Use Stress-Reducing Methods in Daytime Hours
Stress can manifest in different ways, and one is insomnia. If you have trouble falling asleep, it might be worth trying a few methods of releasing stress during the day. From relaxing meditation sessions to physical exercise, activities that involve either mindfulness or movement—or both—can help you burn off nervous energy. By the time nightfall arrives, you may feel more at ease and ready to rest.

Choose a Comfortable Sleep Solution

Your mattress might be the most significant factor when it comes to sleep quality. An uncomfortable or old mattress can cause issues like back pain, joint discomfort, and even allergies, Self reports. But when you start shopping around for a new bed, the number of choices can be almost overwhelming.
A good place to start is by determining what size bed you need. Sizing up can help if you feel cramped while sizing down can help if you need to free up space in your bedroom for other furniture. Your partner’s input is crucial, too, so be sure to factor their preferences into the equation.
If you find you need to size up to a king-size bed to accommodate you both, the next step is to choose a firm or soft and look for quality options that fit the bill. For example, a Leesa Hybrid mattress is a medium-firm bed that has innersprings like traditional mattresses but a foam top that is firmer. The Nest Hybrid ranges from plush to medium to luxury firm, providing plenty of options for all types of sleepers. Helix and Winkbed both offer three firmness selections ranging from soft to firm.

Don’t Exercise Too Close to Bedtime

The same way that getting outside can help you perk up, exercise can have similar effects for all ages, including seniors and those with disabilities. And while physical exertion is an excellent way to de-stress, exercising too late in the day might keep you awake at night. For some people, it has no effect, but for others, it’s a pick-me-up they don’t need after sunset. Pay attention to your body’s response to exercise and adjust your schedule accordingly.
If you struggle in figuring it out, Joan Lunden points out that sometimes a sleep tracking app like Pillow or Sleep Cycle can help. Both can monitor your body functions while you’re snoozing, and help you to adjust your awake time in an appropriate way. They provide reports on your cycles as well, so you can look for possible triggers that correlate with your insomnia.
Figuring out the perfect formula for great sleep may not be easy. But it’s crucial for your wellness, especially as you get older. With these simple tips, you can start changing your habits for the better. In no time, you’ll notice more restful nights and more energetic days.

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